Submit a Question


  1. Scope of the questions:
    - Any issue or question that arises when using Ren Xue to work on your life, especially those that pose as obstacles for moving forward.
    - Any issue or area that you have been working on for sometime and would like advice on how to make a breakthrough.
    - Any questions you have about life.
  2. Please ask one question at a time.
  3. Please do your best to write your question clearly and briefly.
  4. All questions will be kept anonymous.
  5. Yuan Tze will take the liberty to decide how to answer questions. Questions may be combined or stringed together.  Questions that can be answered with simple and straightforward answers may be passed on to a designated teacher to answer.
  6. A cut-off day for questions will be announced during the retreat depending on the number of questions received and to be answered. It is likely to be sometime around mid-retreat.

We have reached the question limit for this event. Please join Yuan Tze for a future event when there is another opportunity to ask questions.