Teacher Directory - Update

Use this form to update your current REN XUE Teacher Directory listing. You only need to supply details that have changed.

If you don't have a profile and would like us to create one for you, please use the Teacher Directory - New Profile form instead.

The URL/link to your current directory at https://directory.renxueinternational.org/
Your Location:
For the RXI team to contact you.
This email is published in the directory and can be different from your Learn REN XUE login email address above
Max. file size: 128 MB.
In progressCompletedNot started
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Please tell us about your activity.
Type of class/offering:
For example, is it open to complete beginners?
For example: 'Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly' if repeating, or 'Once' if not repeating
Start Time
Please enter in 24 hour format eg. 16:00 for 4:00pm
End Time
Please enter in 24 hour format eg. 16:00 for 4:00pm
We do not recommend publishing Zoom/video confrencing links in the directory for security reasons.

If you have any problems completing this form contact websupport@renxueinternational.org for support.