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About the Course

The teachings in this course are the next steps on a journey which can bring amazing changes for the better to your life and the lives of others. The benefits offered by Ren Xue include improved health, happiness and well-being, and ultimately, higher realization and wisdom. 

Ren Xue has been developed by Yuan Tze. It is an original synthesis of practices and theories from traditional Chinese wisdom culture and the lessons provided by contemporary science and thought.

In 2013 Yuan Tze created Yuan Gong as the Qigong system for the Ren Xue life cultivation system. This marked a major step forward in the development of Ren Xue. In November 2014 Yuan Tze taught the second of the six-level Ren Xue Teacher Training at a two-week live intensive in New Zealand.

The core content of that original live training has been restructured to form this Level Two Guided Ren Xue Teacher Training. It features:

  • The practice of Yuan Gong – detailed teaching of Ren Yuan and Xia Yuan, the third and fourth methods of Yuan Gong. 
  • Anatomy related to the methods  
  • Yuan Ming Medicine – individual Yi-Qi Technique 
  • The theory of Jingshen

The content is presented in a comprehensive manual, illustrated with numerous color graphics and diagrams. There are also 20+ hours of selected video content from the original live training. 

Quizzes and reflection exercises after each topic provide the opportunity to check understanding and integrate learnings. 

Training Support

A group of trainees start and finish together over four months – guided through the material by two fully qualified teachers who facilitate live online sessions and are on-hand to support your learning. 

About Yuan Tze

Ren Xue's founder, Yuan Tze, has lived in New Zealand since 2002.  Born in China, Yuan Tze developed Ren Xue and its disciplines after spending more than a decade in the West. Ren Xue combines the best of both worlds. It draws from Yuan Tze’s deep knowledge of traditional Chinese wisdom culture including Daoism, Confucianism, Qigong, Buddhism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, I-Ching philosophy, Feng Shui, Taiji, Bagua and martial arts. Yuan Tze has integrated such ancient wisdom with modern philosophy, science, medicine, and technology to create a truly unique and comprehensive system for developing the whole of life.

Course Content

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Block 1: The Practice of Ren Yuan
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Block 2: The Application of Yuan Ming
1 of 4