Living from the Heart – Gratitude One-day Workshop with Yuan Tze

Everything we have experienced and received, either in the past or in the future, has a special meaning and value and, therefore, is worth being treated as so. However, this may not seem that straightforward to many people, and it is not always that easy to do so unconditionally.

In life, when we fail to cherish what we have, loss or even damage can ensue. We all know how important gratitude is, but often it is missing from our heart; we seem to lose it more easily than we think. The ability to cherish unconditionally is a good way to build the foundation for the cultivation and manifestation of true gratitude.

Learn more

This is the third workshop in Yuan Tze’s six-part online workshop series Living from the Heart, you can register for the single event or see below to register for the whole series.

The Living from the Heart series includes workshops on:

  • Forgiveness
  • Humility
  • Gratitude
  • The Kai Xin verse
  • Relationships
  • Creativity

Read about the workshop series and other events that are part of it.