Removing the Barriers to Your Heart – Transform Patterns for Love – One day Workshop with Yuan Tze

Unconditional love is a natural state of the true heart. It is such a beautiful thing to experience for ourselves and others. It is a quality that is so powerful and energizing that it can uplift our whole life. However, in reality, the manifestation of unconditional love is rare. Instead, love can be associated with unpleasant experiences and challenges. But where do these more negative associations come from? Is it from love, or is it from our incomplete views and ideas of what love should look like. It can be our own expectations of love that get in the way of connecting with unconditional love.

Unconditional love doesn’t come and go; nor does it have any expectation in return. It does not give or withdraw based on an idea of what is good or bad. Recognizing, facing, and replacing our own limited ideas of what we think love should entail will help us move closer to experiencing the unconditional love, that is always in our heart.

In this workshop we will focus on:

  • A deeper understanding of unconditional love
  • Identifying what is in the way of connecting with unconditional love – for ourselves, others, nature and the Universe
  • Understanding how to face and work on the unhealthy patterns and limited beliefs we have about love
  • Transforming our old patterns into unconditional love

How would your relationships to yourself and others change if you were connected to unconditional love?