Removing the Barriers to Your Heart – Transform Patterns for Trust One-day Workshop with Yuan Tze

Can you recognize areas in your life where you do not experience trust?  Trust for yourself, others, nature or the Universe?  How might your life be different if you could feel unconditional trust in these areas?  It is often easy for us to come up with reasons outside of ourselves to not feel trust, but when we focus on these external obstacles, we hand over the ability to make positive change.  Instead, we can focus inward and make true change from within our own hearts to help uplift our lives.

Trust is a natural state of our heart, however through our life experiences unhealthy patterns have covered our ability to connect with this state.  Whether we have been hurt in the past or certain fears about the future cause us to withdraw our trust, it might feel like a big undertaking to work our way back to trust.  A clear direction and understanding can help us feel safer and more supported in facing these obstacles.

This is the first workshop in Yuan Tze’s five-part online workshop series Removing the Barriers to Your Heart.  Registration details for the single event and the whole series will be available in February.

The Removing the Barriers to Your Heart series includes workshops on:

  • Transforming the Unhealthy Patterns for Unconditional Trust to Manifest
  • Transforming the Unhealthy Patterns for Unconditional Openness to Manifest
  • Transforming the Unhealthy Patterns for Unconditional Love to Manifest
  • Transforming the Unhealthy Patterns for Unconditional Gratitude to Manifest
  • Transforming the Unhealthy Patterns for Unconditional Gongjing to Manifest